Looking for a Team

If you are interested in playing in the SCWSL but do not yet have a team to join, please input your information below. Your details will be added to a shared doc that all of our team managers reference when they are looking to add players to their rosters. 

Team manager's will reach out to players directly. When you get added to a roster the registrar will automatically remove you from the "looking for a team" list. So no further action on your part.

If after three attempts to connect with you, you do not reply, we will remove your details from the "looking for a team" list. Should you want to be added to the list again, we'll ask that you fill out the digital form again. 

The SCWSL plays two seasons a year (one in Spring and one in Fall) on Sunday's at fields around Sonoma County. Thank you for your expressed interest in joining a team. We hope to see you on the pitch soon!


Player Full Name
Division Seeking
Division I is a higher division.
Years played
Contact info
Cell Phone

Required Fields